Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Newsletter for November

Le 30 octobre, 2012
Chers parents,

C’est l’halloween, hé!  Tomorrow students are welcome to wear their Halloween costumes.  We will have a little parade in the school with Mme McCrea’s class.  We will have games, crafts, songs and stories to celebrate.  If you would like to send along a snack please ensure that there are no nuts included.  There will be a lot of sweet treats that day so healthy snacks are quite welcome too.  We are completing our first MIMI poster and will soon begin our new poster.  Keep reviewing and having fun with the words at home.  Invite your child to teach you some new French words.  November 1st is also a Spirit Day as well as the beginning of Movember so students are invited to wear their best moustaches.

As well as our new poster, in November, we will also learn about Remembrance Day: Le jour de souvenir  ~L’armistice.  We will work on booklets that teach O’ Canada in French.  If you have any old Canadian magazines or calendars that can be used to cut out pictures please send them along in your child’s dossier.  The booklets will include your child’s drawings as well as collages.   We will also be going to the Western Development Museum for “A Christmas Long Ago” program.  Details about the date will be in the newsletter in your child's dossier.  Let me know if you would like to volunteer.  Check the calendar for your child’s special day.  On your child's special day he or she may talk about a favourite holiday/celebration or family tradition.  Pictures or objects that represent the event or tradition on his or her special day are welcome.   

Friday, 26 October 2012

A visit to the Pumpkin Patch

We had a great time at the Pumpkin Patch.  The kids loved running through the hay bale maze.

La citrouille (To the tune of Alouette)
La citrouille
ma jolie citrouille
La citrouille
Je te mangerai
Je te mangerai les yeux 2x
et les yeux 2x
La Citrouille
ma jolie citrouille
la citrouille
Je te mangerai

Je te mangerai le nez 2x
et le nez 2x
et les yeux 2x
La citrouille
ma jolie citrouille
la citrouille
Je te mangerai la bouche 2x
et la bouche 2x
et le nez 2x
et les yeux 2x

Scarecrow: l'épouvantail

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

C'est l'automne--C'est l'hiver?

Ah il fait froid!  Il y a de la neige.  Il est nuageux.
Everyday we learn a little about the weather but this month has been a bit perplexing.

We were just learning the words to
C'est l'automne (to the tune of Frère Jacques) when the weather turned wintery. 

So here are the words for our fall song:

C'est l'automne  x2
Les feuilles tombent x2
Les rouges, oranges et jaunes x2
Dans le vent x2

Here are the words to the winter song:

C'est l'hiver x2
La neige tombe x2
Les grands et petits flocons x2
Dans le vent x2

And here is the song for today:
C'est l'automne x2
Les feuilles tombent
et la neige tombe
Rouges, oranges et jaunes
Les grands et petits flocons
Dans le vent, dans le vent!

Une visite d'un pompier

Un pompier nous a fait une visite.
A fire fighter, Mr. D. came to visit us today to talk about safety and fire prevention and what to do in an emergency.  Our fire fighter and our students were very animated and our students showed just how knowledgeable they are regarding safety.  Bravo!

La danse des couleurs

Madame des couleurs

"La danse des couleurs" is a song by Le Clown Alexandre.  We are enjoying learning our colours in many ways: we have been wearing specific colours on colour days and bringing special objects for our colour collages.  Thank you for such great participation~I know that parents have to be involved to make these days a success.  The photos are of our colour collages

This last photo was taken at Oskayak. We were unable to attend as a class this year because it took place in the afternoon.  If you ever have an opportunity to attend a pow-wow take it.  I went with my class last year and my own children this year. Truly,  C'est  une vraie danse des couleurs.

Monday, 22 October 2012

"Je l'ai fait avec mes deux mains"

"Je l'ai fait avec mes deux mains" is a lyric and title of a song from a Jack Grunsky cd; the song is  all about making things with my two hands: les bricolages (crafts).  I love seeing this group create and produce things of beauty!  Here are some of their lastest fall crafts and creations.



C'est l'automne. }
Les feuilles tombent: } 
les rouges, oranges et jaunes }
dans le vent. }

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Welcome! Bienvenue!

We are well into October and enjoying a great start to the year.  I will use this blog to post some of our past activities and what we have been learning. Please visit the links that are great resources for learning French in Kindergarten.  Thanks for stopping by! Merci d'être venu!

Journal d'aventure (our field trip journals) 

affiche de MIMI (PWIM poster: includes our vocabulary--de mots/images)

Here are our MIMI words:
le, la, les
La classe
le panier
les ciseaux
la colle
la table
la boîte bleue
la boîte, bleue
les crayons
les blocs de Lego
les blocs, de, Lego
le sac à dos
sac, à, dos
la chaise

Le spectacle Pekka
Les étoiles pour l'ami special 
Les couleurs et les oiellets
Une visite de notre policier Constable S.
À la bibliothèque