Friday, 8 February 2013

#30 À la maison

#28 Les sentiments

#27 L'alphabet a-n et o-z

#26 Les bonnes manières

#24 Bonjour!

#23 Les actions

#20 Les nombres de 10 à 20

#15 Le zoo

#14 La ferme

#13 Les animaux domestiques

#12 Ma famille

#11 Les vêtements 2.

#10 La nourriture

# 9 Les jours et les saisons

#7 Les vêtements 1.

#5 Les nombres 0-10 et #6 Les formes

Thursday, 7 February 2013

#4 Le corps

#2 Dans la salle de classe

#1 Les couleurs

Les livres chez vous ~ Take home books

The students will be taking home books in their dossiers. Each book has a number in the bottom left hand corner and a title.  You can check the book number and title with the subsequent blog posts and read along.  (Please note the timing on the books are 1 minute in length so it goes by quickly.  It is okay to pause or re-visit the same recording.)  This is an opportunity to read-along in French and hear and see the correct pronunciation.  I hope that you and your child enjoy!