Thursday, 29 November 2012

December newsletter

Le 29 novembre, 2012

Chers parents,

It was a difficult week but I want to thank you for being so supportive and encouraging.  I was very proud of our students yesterday.  They handled themselves very well and asked very good questions.  They were honest in their responses and open.  I answered questions as best as I could and we read Je t’aimerais toujours, Love you Forever by Robert Munsch.  I am grateful for you all. 

We are continuing with our poster, Coin d’amis. The children have been working on sentences with our MIMI words.  We have also been working in math on different concepts.  We have continued working on patterns, plus que +  et moins que - et autant ou égale= .  We often use different manipulatives to see if the children can represent a certain number.  It is a quick way to check for understanding and to notice how one number can take on many forms.

Thank you all for your participation in the activity conferences.  The children were very excited and enjoyed their opportunity to be the teacher. It certainly was a highlight for them. So thank you for your attendance.  

As we approach the month of December, we will  be learning terms around the holiday season.  We will also be attending a Sylvia Chave concert at The Refinery. If you would like to attend please let me know as soon as possible; we need to know how many tickets will be required.  (Date and time will be in the newsletter going home).

Thank you again for supporting your children and our class. 


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